
The 61st BFG Burning

The total amount of burned BFG tokens on the BSC (BEP-20) network from the 61st Tokens Burning session is 851 238 BFG. The current BFG price is $0.024 per 1 token.

Transaction hash of the 61st BFG Burning:

Our team has conducted a BFG Buyback. According to this process, some BFG tokens have been bought back from the market. We've burned 851 238 BFG ($20 395) and sent 2 000 000 BFG ($47 920) to the Treasury.

Transaction hash of the monthly BFG Treasury Lock:

Total BFG burned amount: 1 678 867 815 BFG (33.58% of the total supply)
The number of tokens that have been burned.

What is BFG Burning for?

Tokens are burned once a month. We conduct a monthly BFG token burning process because the BetFury team supports the healthy product economy and further ecosystem growth 🌱 Planned burnings increase the value of the BFG native token and keep the balance between holders and developers to support the token.

About the Burning Process

According to updated tokenomics and deflationary strategy, the monthly BFG Burning will no longer include the burning of losing gaming bets and team tokens. Losing bets will be redirected to the BFG Staking pool to boost the BFG value and support holders. The fund for Burning will be filled from other revenue streams like BFG Buybacks. This upgrade has one goal – to push our token to the moon🌙

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