The 62nd BFG Burning
The total amount of burned BFG tokens on the BSC (BEP-20) network from the 62nd Tokens Burning session is 956 471 BFG. The current BFG price is $0.022 per 1 token.
Transaction hash of the 62nd BFG Burning:
Our team has conducted a BFG Buyback. According to this process, some BFG tokens have been bought back from the market. We've burned 956 471 BFG ($22 496) and sent 2 000 000 BFG ($47 040) to the Treasury.
Transaction hash of the BFG Treasury Lock:
Total BFG burned amount: 1 679 824 286 BFG (33.60% of the total supply)
The number of tokens that have been burned.
What Is BFG Burning For❓
Tokens are burned once a month. This process is part of our tokenomics that positively impacts the BFG value. Moreover, scheduled Burnings maintain a balance between holders and developers.