
BFG is listed on CoinTiger

BFG token has reached a new peak this month - listing on the CoinTiger exchange

CoinTiger is a digital and crypto asset exchange based in Singapore. This cryptocurrency exchange serves the cryptocurrency space via no less than 83 active markets and 70+ cryptocurrency pairs.

📣Listing BFG on the CoinTiger platform is a unique opportunity for cooperation and market expansion for both platforms.

How to trade BFG on the CoinTiger platform?

  • First of all, BFG token holders need to remember that to trade on the CoinTiger exchange, funds must be deposited.
  • BFG token is traded in the BFG/USDT pair. We recommend that token holders keep an eye on the price and keep their fingers on the pulse of the platform's news.
  • Don't forget to add the BFG token to your "Favorites". This will make token trading much more convenient and faster.

BFG Trading Competition for 155 000 BFG

Join the Trading competition on CoinTiger. Test your trading skills and compete for the title of the best BFG trader. Top 20 winners will share the prize pool: 

🥇1)  24 800 BFG
🥈2) 18 600 BFG
🥉3) 12 400 BFG
💰4-10)  5 300 BFG
💰11-20) 3 100 BFG

  • Users who are not top 20 but with a trading volume of more than 15,500 BFG will share 31,100 BFG according to the proportion of the trading volume. The maximum reward will be no more than the reward for the 20th winner.
  • Minimum transaction volume - 15 500 BFG
  • Trading Volume = buy+sell (excluding wash trades).

We know that you were waiting for the BFG integration on the CoinTiger crypto exchange. Let’s make our token great together! BFG to the moon 🚀

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