
July Monthly Report

Hot summer entertainments cannot be paused! Mr. Fury has already lost count of amazing events in the July time frame. The light breeze has turned into a warm breeze of fun, and Betfurians are already talking about the end of the month and the new Monthly Report from Mr. Fury...

Monthly Platform Metrics

New users - 44 692
Total active users daily -  1400

Staking and Token Metrics

BetFury Staking Pool consists of 5 main currencies. All new tokens are attached to them, depending on the main tokens protocol. Once a month the Staking pool is refilled with the accumulated funds. Some part of the coins remains for payouts of winnings. The last replenishment was on July 4:

🍓BTC Pool - 6.569 BTC ($129 330) from LTC & XRP sub-pools
🍓USDT Pool - 175 770 USDT from BUSD & USDC sub-pools

BFG Burning

What’s about stability of BFG, healthy tokenomics, and further ecosystem growth? Of course, the BetFury team made another monthly BFG Burning in July. The total amount of burned tokens from the 32nd burning session is 16 142 658 BFG.

BetFury Events

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