
November Monthly Report

Hey Betfurians, it’s high time to wear winter boots and winter jackets, cause winter is at hand! But first, let's sum up the eventful November. This month we celebrated our 2nd Birthday on a grand scale. There was a lot of fun, gifts, and events. In addition, Betfurians were almost knocked down by Black Friday, with its dizzying rhythm. We invite you to remember what else happened this festive November!

Monthly Platform Metrics

  • Total bets per month – 310 219 254
  • New users – 88 263
  • Total active users daily – ~2 300

Staking and Token Metrics


The Staking Pool consists of 5 main currencies. All new tokens are attached to them, depending on the main tokens protocol. This month, SHIB was attached to the ETH Staking Pool, AIRT, PORTO, and LAZIO – to the BNB Staking Pool. Once a month, the Staking pool is refilled with the accumulated funds. Some part of the coins remain for payouts of winnings.

The last replenishment was on 04.11.2021:

💰BTC Pool - 3.964 BTC ($244 166) from LTC, MATIC & XRP sub-pools
💰BNB Pool - 602.9 BNB ($336 112) from CAKE & BSW sub-pool
💰TRX Pool - 742 440 TRX ($77 733) from BTT sub-pool
💰USDT Pool - 165 746 USDT from BUSD  sub-pool

Mining Price

BFG Burning

To ensure the stability of BFG, healthy tokenomics, and further ecosystem growth, the BetFury team made monthly BFG Burning in November. The total amount of burned tokens from the 24th burning session is 19 454 967 BFG.

BetFury Events

BetFury 2nd Anniversary - Birthday Party for $500 000

It was the greatest party! Lots of victories, pleasure, excitement, and incredible fun. 61 000 Betfurians took part in the Lottery, fought in Battles, pushed their luck spinning the birthday Wheel, and mined a lot of BFG.  The holiday was full of incredible prizes: a cruise to the Maldives for two, a brand-new bike, and many other gifts! The happiest sector on the wheel was also caught - a lucky player got 1 Million BFG. We're sure that Betfurians will remember the common 2nd Birthday Party with delight and warmth!
Birthday Party Battles for $190 000. And how fierce the battles were this month! Betfurians fought with such ardor and enthusiasm that the most skillful warrior could have envied them. Indeed, in the end, all the battle participants shared the reward of $190 000.

Black Friday Event for $25 OOO

Black Friday at BetFury was crazy. Minning BFG was increased by 20%! Also, there were lots of free BFG boxes, and users could receive up to 18 BFG per day! The most profitable purchase was Black Friday Box, with up to a 100% mining boost. With only $2, users could increase their profit by up to 100%! Well, and, of course, three incredible battles with more than 400 winners in total.

BetFury Hot Releases

BetFury has taken up the NFT movement on Biswap

This month, we have joined an incredible project, “NFT Marketplace & NFT Earn,” from our partner - Biswap Dex. BetFury allocated 5 MILLION BFG for Biswap NFT Staking pool for 90 days. During 2 months, all NFT holders can receive the staking payouts in BFG, BSW, BNB, and USDT.  55 555 BFG are successfully distributed daily between NFT holders from the Staking pool.

BetFury & Vulkania Partnership

Vulkania - an excellent dashboard for those who want to keep abreast of all the details about the BFG token. Follow the current price and actual metrics of the BFG token from Vulkania in the Telegram Chat using “/dashboard”.  

BetFury & AirNFTs partnership: BetFury NFT contest, AIRT token on BetFury