
$1 500 Branded Uniform Design Competition

In our time, it is important to dress stylishly and follow fashion, because it reveals you as a person. We are sure that the BetFury community is full of aesthetes and talented designers who like new fashion trends. Therefore, Mr. Fury has decided to hold a grand branded outfit contest for the in-game universe Second Live. Design the best BetFury uniform and share a huge crypto prize of $1 500!

What is Second Live?

The metaverse is called the next frontier of the internet because it stands between current digital platforms and the newest virtual reality. Second Live - 3D virtual metaverse, aims to gradually build a parallel metaverse based on Web3. On Second Live you can become the icon you desire and free roam in elite exhibitions, dance floors, shopping malls, etc. Besides, Second Life has a great crypto Marketplace where you can discover millions of items including virtual fashions, home decor, and more.

About the Uniform Design Competition

You ask, how to win this Competition? All you need is to grab your pencils and design BetFury's branded uniform! The Event is divided by 3 parts:

  • Work Submission
    You have 10 days to create a masterpiece. From July 29 to August 8, make a 3D design of BetFury uniform for Second Live metaverse. It must include top, bottom and shoes. What can we say, get to work!
    📌 Requirements for Works Submission
    📌 Design Submission Form
  • Community Voting
    The Betfurians community will determine the deserving winners of the contest. The voting process will take place in our Official Telegram Channel from August 9 till August 11. Choose the best designers, or keep your fingers crossed for your work if you are a participant!
  • The winning design announcement
    The solemn award ceremony will be held on August 12. The huge prize pool will be shared by 3 most inventive designers.

How to get branded outfits after the Event?

  • Purchase the branded outfit with BNB on the Second Live Marketplace
  • Complete some tasks in that include a subscription and registration on BetFury, a minimal deposit of $10. This proposal will be active within 30 days after the announcement of the winners. Then you will only be able to buy it.

Genki Uniform Giveaway
150 000 BFG ($2 500)

August 1 - 8

If your ability to draw amazing drawings is on top, and your creativity is off the charts, then you should definitely compete for the main prize in this Event! Join the Uniform Design Competition and be trendy!

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