The total amount of burned tokens from the 18th token burning session is 15 286 531BFG.
Transaction hash of 5 000 000BFG burning: 9f1ea451c0d4bcda30fbd417bac1b5f685b240ed965108ac445fd1a441655781
Transaction hash of 1 767 404 BFG burning: f1f3225fa0eed687800ac90245b179da93463e3e6553c79162097faab2713a6e
Transaction hashes of 8 519 127 BFG burning: 2553567e4e51c3bdb8b270b30bb6a2b2a2c1e2e208df0f3b61a1d295eab11e83
Auction burned - BFG tokens used by players for bets in Auction Team burned - part of the team BFG tokens that were received during the mining process Gaming burned - BFG tokens from lost bets
Any time you may check our contract address: TNE6kmX6EiCgE9HH4bSuWZBuknQ389kU7w Cold wallet address: TF7mYoRhLqUddroeExLvBUfYmQUH6aTKQJTP4Me9WvS6WgmPL9uYAcq1jBqrMfEZfM8b