The 19th BFG Tokens Burning
The total amount of burned tokens from the 19th tokens burning session is 17 536 798 BFG.
- Transaction hash of 5 000 000 BFG burning:
d23f6ec1271eb949109f55e7073e91ac0d34180e973b63ee7d8720bcfa85b207 - Transaction hash of 3 135 136 BFG burning:
7fa2b8705000c846c79102de2f151f2cd2e76b974df5a2fc8c1a9bd89066cfd8 - Transaction hashes of 9 401 662 BFG burning:
Auction burned - BFG tokens used by players for bets in Auction
Team burned - part of the team BFG tokens that were received during the mining process
Gaming burned - BFG tokens from lost bets
Any time you may check our contract address: TNE6kmX6EiCgE9HH4bSuWZBuknQ389kU7w
Cold wallet address: TF7mYoRhLqUddroeExLvBUfYmQUH6aTKQJTP4Me9WvS6WgmPL9uYAcq1jBqrMfEZfM8b