
The 20th BFG Tokens Burning

The total amount of burned BFG tokens on BSC (BEP-20) network from the 20th Tokens Burning session is 16 822 608 BFG.

Transaction hash of the 20th BFG Burning 0x40e386832aec7999483349f766781d9505a857ab23b0a6e34ff1d2f33dd3c329

*Current price - $0.027877

  • 5 000 000 BFG ($139 385) – Team Burned 
    BFG tokens used by players for bets in Auction
  • 2 021 569 BFG ($56 355) –  Auction Burned 
    Part of the team BFG tokens that were received during the mining process
  • 9 801 039 BFG ($273 224)– Gaming Burned 
    BFG tokens from lost bets

Total mined: 2 852 006 531 BFG
The number of tokens that have already been accumulated on the platform in total since the launch of the platform (including tokens that have been burned).

Total burnt amount: 1 362 830 677 BFG
The number of tokens that have been burned.

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