The 9th BFG Burning

The total amount of burned token from the 9th token burning session is 22 483 474 BFG:
Burned in Auction - 1 843 109 BFG
1 207 485 BFG(TRX)
635 624 BFG(BTC)
Burned in Gaming - 10 640 365 BFG
7 335 904 BFG(TRX)
3 304 461 BFG(BTC)
Burned from Team - 10 000 000 BFG
5 000 000 BFG(TRX)
5 000 000 BFG(BTC)
Transaction hash of 1 843 109 BFG burning:
Transaction hash of 10 640 365 BFG burning:
Transaction hashes of 10 000 000 BFG burning:
Auction burned - BFG tokens used by players for bets in Auction
Team burned - part of the team BFG tokens that were received during the mining process
Gaming burned - BFG tokens from lost bets
Any time you may check our contract address:
Cold wallet address: